U.S. Laws

The U.S. legal system is consists of national, state, and local laws. The state law often delegates many of the issues you may encounter including drugs, alcohol, and driving. Make sure you understand the policy in your state because even though you are an international student, you can still get into trouble. In fact an infringement of a law by an international student will most likely result in a quick ticket out of the country!

Topic Law Description Penalty
Drugs Marijuana
Possession It is unlawful for any person to be in possession of a controlled substance Charged with a misdemeanor Fined up to $10,000 for each violation Imprisonment for at least 10 years
Paraphernalia It is unlawful for any person to sell or import paraphernalia Imprisonment for up to three years and fined
Alcohol Underage Drinking
It is unlawful for any person to consume alcohol under the age of 21 Exceptions to this law very between states
APIS – State Profiles of Underage Drinking Laws Suspension of driving privileges Monetary fines Community service
Underage Purchase
It is unlawful for any person to purchase alcohol under the age of 21 Exceptions to this law very between states
Monetary fines
Serving to Minors
It is unlawful for any person to serve alcohol under the age of 21 Exceptions to this law very between states
Alcohol license revoked Monetary fines Liable for any injuries that occur
Driving License Average age requirement is 16 to obtain a drivers license however it ranges (14-18) depending on state law  
Drunk Driving It is unlawful for any person to drive with a blood alcohol level of .08 In some states it is unlawful to drive with an open alcoholic beverage container License suspension Fines
Fake Identity Card Fake Identification It is unlawful to create or possessing a fraudulent government document It is unlawful to use a fake ID to buy alcohol or gain admittance into a bar or club Prison time (ex: 5 years) Monetary fines (ex: $10,000) License suspension
Sex Prostitution It is unlawful to buy or sell sexual services Jail time (up to 5 yrs in some states) Fines (up to $10,000 in some states)
Statutory Rape Sexual relations between an adult (+ 18 years) and a minor (-18 years) Prison
Rape Forced sexual relations Prison
Weapons Guns Some states require a license It is unlawful to take weapons onto a university campus Confiscation Fines University Suspension

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